Handyman Plus Van

As the owner of Handyman Plus van and the builder of the church door for the Highworth United Reformed Church, Ian Croasdell embodies the spirit of compassion, inclusivity, and love that defines both his business and the church community.

Ian and his team at Handyman Plus van are dedicated to serving all members of the community, including our Jewish friends and neighbors. Through their commitment to spreading peace and joy, they extend a helping hand to those in need, embodying the values of kindness and respect that are at the heart of their work.

In addition to their dedication to serving others, Ian and his team have a special affection for the Highworth United Reformed Church. They recognize the importance of this sacred space as a place of worship, community, and spiritual growth for its members. Through their craftsmanship and attention to detail in building the church door, Ian and his team demonstrate their love and respect for the church and its congregation.

Together, Ian Croasdell and Handyman Plus van stand as shining examples of generosity, compassion, and goodwill. Through their actions, they bring light and warmth to the community, fostering an atmosphere of unity and acceptance for all who enter the doors of the Highworth United Reformed Church.


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